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Green Trees, Green Money, Green Buildings

Green Trees, Green Money, Green Buildings

Green Trees, Green Money, Green Buildings Buildings with ‘Green’ credentials are financially a better investment (and have been so for some time). Global Brands want to lease them, Real Estate Funds want to own them, and the Bond Market wants to fund them. Tenants,...
“Big Oil” + Corp. Bonuses = Sustainability?

“Big Oil” + Corp. Bonuses = Sustainability?

“Big Oil” + Corp. Bonuses = Sustainability? With about half of G20 members falling short of achieving their domestic targets set out in the Paris Agreement[1], major energy and resource corporations are under pressure to rapidly alter their carbon emission...
Australia, has your purchase fueled slavery?

Australia, has your purchase fueled slavery?

Australia, has your purchase fueled slavery? After years of deliberation the Australian Modern Slavery bill was recently passed in Parliament to come in effect from January 1st. Large businesses with a consolidated revenue in excess of AUD$100m will be required to...